Tuesday, 4 June 2019

Wednesday Phil is now "home alone " working on the boat two to three mornings a week and often takes pre cut wood home to his garage  to be made up at his leisure when there is nothing on the T.V.
The steaming of the cockpit capping was finally done at home on the third attempt and only succeeded using 10 clamps to bend the wood to the desired curve ,having been steamed for two hours. These are now fitted and screw holes capped with wooden plugs epoxied in place.

Phil then decided to tackle the rudder and helm set up.He first went to talk to those who have knowledge of such things and visited several ports and boatyards to see for himself steering designs.Phil decided to be a bit "arty" with the tiller as there are many beautifully created ones to be seen.

To create the tiller he found an original Helen II oak rib of the desired curve with nails central to the wood.The nails were removed with brute force and the rib cut into three planks 'leaving the nail holes in the center plank which was discarded.
A center section of purple heart was then cut roughly to shape and two lengths glued above each other to give enough depth for the desired curve,
The two oak rib sections were then placed either side and epoxied and clamped. This was left to cure for a couple of days.

It was then rough cut on the band saw to the required shape and then planed to a finished shape.
The handle on the end was extended and narrowed for a child's grip ,but this can be removed if necessary  and the stock shortened if it is deemed too long in the cockpit.

Once happy with the design and length ,Phil took it home again to give it  copious coats of varnish and is now ready to attach it to the rudder post which is being re worked  locally.