Wednesday, 25 May 2016

Shipwright Dave immediately pirked up and got all excited.

The sheets were stowed and the first sheet swiftly marked out and cut to form the initial cabin roof section.

Once cut out, it was placed in position and tried for size .The sheet was a couple of millimeters out and Dave faired it in with a plane.

Dave then drilled the screw holes to make sure they would meet with the cabin roof beams.

The first fit was perfect and was screwed in temporary position .
The cabin suddenly seemed not so tall when we stood inside !

 Apprentice Dave now had to play catch up on the starboard side (right) to prepare for his roof sheet by fairing in a roof half beam and a full beam, which had changed shape after it was cut and fitted.
(sometimes due to stresses in the wood, when they are cut ,they can spring open)

Meanwhile Wednesday Phil prepared, planed and cut various lengths of larch and continued caulking all alone     aaah!

But having seen the price of second hand caulking hammers, Wednesday Phil decided to make one for himself with the help of one friend ,as he doesn't have many friends or hammers.
I will inform on its progress........later.

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